Another industrious day in the pig pen!
It's awesome to have a whole week to spend in the studio, I'm learning more about how I make things, it's hard to design them to the last detail and I find myself constantly changing the design to work with the materials and the impracticality of the situation. I'm not sure how I'm going to jig him about to fix the legs on yet..

£300 later and the new welder's running perfectly, it's about the size of a small shoebox and means I can weld TIG in the future too!
I would' ve put pupils in the middle of the eyes, but I've made them a bit more friendly pointing down to look at people when he's perched up on his final pedestal.

I've thought about washers behind the eye bolts, but this affect how a coach bolt works, so I'm happy with the end result on them bad boys.
I will be replacing the perpsex with thicker perspex after Fatman smashed it right up during testing.

Included is a photo of the beginning of the rusting process, tomorrow we can see how the process develops.
There's a temporary welding table made from one of his chunky old legs below, with the upper part of an arm aligned and ready for welding.

I think i'll have to run a big bolt through the middle of the robot and add some bracing to stop his arms collapsing in, as they are going to be mega heavy.
I got shook right up by my idiot housemate Lambchops this afternoon when he banged on the garage door shouting 'Police', I thought I was gonna get done for noise pollution and breach of the peace!
Scumbag, I'll get him back..
Matt from work came over to get me to braze a cracked bike frame last night and fellow bike nut, Greg Beer, dropped over to interrupt me again this evening and get some tattoo stencil papers for his girlfriend, Bek, then I was back to the grind welding his arms together (hopefully straight!) before finishing up for the night, ordering a chinese and settling down for Shameless on the sofa.